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PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda today happily hosted the Ambassador of Israel in Rwanda H.E Ron Adam at its headquarters in Rukara sector, Kayonza District Eastern Rwanda. He visited this organization’s o ...
To achieve its prior objectives, PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda as a civil society organization, at the concluding dates of this 29th annual commemoration of the 1994 against the Tutsi, the organization af ...
PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda was concluding the third session of Human rights trainings. Youth club members discussed about human rights violation and summarized the previous two sessions about UDHR and ...
Jews community was interested how really forgiveness is possible and realised in Rwandan community. They appreciated the work achieved by PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda of peace building, forgiveness and r ...
Six millions of this Jewish community were slaughtered by Hitler in only four years. coming to learn about Genocide against the Tutsi is very crucial and imperative.
On behalf of PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda, It was of great honor and privilege to host the community of Israel who came to learn the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
The community of Israel took their time to visit Rukara Roman Catholic church which is located in Kayonza Eastern province where over 10000 Tutsi were slaughtered. This event is connected to their his ...
One of the objectives of PeacEdu Initiative Rwanda is to empower the youth clubs affiliated to the organization with human rights Education skills. It is in this regard that the first session was laun ...